Sunday, April 13, 2008

still here

And what has the waiting done to me? Well apparently shaving my beard into some sort of French stash and goatee was a good idea. I broke out my puffy coat due to the cold. I had to change hotels. Watched 4 days of Masters and 3 Sox/Yanks games so the week of waiting wasn’t miserable. It’s raining and cold. Doesn’t seem to be changing. I have no hope it will happened this week either. If I don’t have a shipping date by Friday I’ll get on the road and head north. Still torn on Buenos Aires or Arica, Chile. One will be cheaper to ship the other will be cheaper to get to. $2.20 for gas in Argentina and $5 in Chile. I’d get to see some more of Argentina which would be nice but at the same time I’d rather not live off a credit card for an extended amount of time.

The waiting has really broken my spirit. And not just the waiting but the lack of control. I wrote a few weeks ago about how wonderful it has been to spend a portion of my life living decision by decision and doing what I want. Now I’m stuck here, going on two weeks, unable to do anything while I wait for others to do their job. It’s frustrating, it’s tiring and frankly it pisses me off. That was how I felt Tuesday when I got passed off from the guy who gave me hope last Friday to his little helper whom I sure will do nothing to get me home anytime soon. In the mean time a boat came and went and my truck is still outside filling up with water. So there have been no updates on my blog, I let emails sit for 8 days with no reply. The fact is I’ve been here and I’ve been broken. Two weeks ago I was sad that my trip was over. I didn’t want to be home. I wanted to keep going and see more of the world. The waiting, and sitting, complacency and lethargy have done one significant positive thing. Changed my mind.

Right now I’m excited to get home. I’m looking forward to being back in the desert, out on the golf course with my friends, sitting at the Training Table on Thursday for a nice long lunch talking Cruisers. All those things I missed, then forgot about, are becoming exciting for me again. Fountain drinks and water out of the tap. Long conversations. More than anything that is what I’m looking forward to. I had a cab driver who spoke English the other night. I think I scared him with how much talking I did. I’m not just excited for the talking part either. I can’t wait to have someone talk to me and I understand all the words. I love to drive. I love being behind the wheel. Right now I’d take a cramped window seat on a Delta flight over a 3k mile road trip to Buenos Aires in a heartbeat. I caught up on email tonight and got this attempt at a blog written. I hope to add some more this week and if the clouds ever rise above 1000 feet I’ll go get some pics of the snow and changing leaves. Until then enjoy the fact that I have a mustache right now.


Anonymous said...

still looking forward to drinking that coke...dtg

Thrashes Rakes said...


I was discussing with Neena how I hate non-progress. The logjam will break sooner or later or you will drive to a more happenin' port. Good Luck, I sure you'll figure something out!

Shreesh Taskar | A Long Drive