If you look at the latest spot device link, which is bound to accompany this post if you get my blog updates via email you’ll notice from the Google Image that I am no longer in the jungle. I couldn’t be happier about it either. Don’t get me wrong I loved my time in the jungles of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and I look forward to the jungles of Peru. It has been nice, however brief the respite, to find myself in arid air once again. The change is good. Not sweating all day, no need for the Johnson’s Baby Powder. The sopping wet carpet in my truck from the still leaking windshield finally managed to dry out for the first time in weeks. I can’t for the life of me find my outlet adapter for the laptop so tonight will have to be a very brief post until I can track the dumb thing down. I have taken about 400 pictures in the last 5 days so expect a gallery update including a few pics of my hairy mug (not on the balding cabeza of course) to find their way into the gallery as well once I get a highspeed connection. I stayed in a hotel last night that had inferior screens and woke up with 100s of mosquito bites. So when I’m bed ridden in Lima with Malaria you’ll know why. The real highlight of the last week for me is something many of you may find boring or trite. Others will know exactly what I’m talking about and understand my obvious glee this evening. I spent 4 hours driving up and down a desert wash today. At the top was a nice dry forest of cactus, rock and some weird scrubby tree that bares a slight resemblance in appearance and texture to the tamarisk. Not only did I get to rally the wash with a cold coke (the arb fridge is set to 29degrees right now) and some solid tunes (no somebody this time) but I also returned with 3 shades of mud on my truck. She hasn’t looked this pretty since the first, and yes there will be a second, Utah Cruiser Expedition (right click, save as, it’s a 7mb file.) I thought the locals stared bad before. You should see them now. Oh did I mention my hotel room is on the beach, I walked 90 mins tonight barefoot in the soft lush sand. All for the whopping total of $35. However I get to pay $4.15 a gallon to drive around so it all works out. You would think I would find a way to break this thing up into paragraphs but that would be too logical. Besides I’m trying to save battery power right? That requires extra key strokes. I’ll be driving again tomorrow so I can charge the fine hp mobile workstation once again but loading and resizing pics has taken its toll. But because of that toll you get some visual stimulus today as a the cherry on top of the this sweet, succulent, and extremely well thought out post from yours truly.
By the way Ken Romer is a solid cat.
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[... ] is another relavant source on this subject[...]
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